Project name:
Development of a value-added biomass utilisation technology for agricultural and forestry by-products in the oyster mushroom-biogas complex system
Project description:
Innovative circular biomass utilization model – PILZE-NAGY Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft together with three research partners, Agrár-Béta Mezőgazdasági Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft, Bay Zoltán Applied Research Nonprofit Ltd. and Szeged Biological Research Centre, the overall objective of the project is to develop a new complex production process, unique on an international level, which uses the by-products of one production system as raw material for the other system, based on the principles of a circular and a biomass-based economy.
The project also aims to add value to disadvantaged agricultural land by developing a system of perennial herbaceous and woody energy crops suitable for high biomass mass production.
The final result is an internationally innovative circular biomass utilisation model, which provides an example of how to combine existing production systems to produce food, bioenergy and biofertiliser from lignocellulosic biomass in a cascade system in several steps, thus adding value to agriculture. The project is an RDI-funded project that will include research and development and equipment procurement.
Names of beneficiaries:
PILZE-NAGY Kft., Agrár-Béta Kft., Bay Zoltán Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., Szegedi Biológiai Kutatóközpont
Places of implementation:
Kecskemét, Dombóvár, Budapest és Szeged
Amount of fund:
650 370 000 Ft
Project ID:
Date of implementation: