Modernization of oyster mushroom cultivation

2017 annual energy expert reference report

The purpose of the development is to increase the cultivation surface of Nagy-Gombakert Ltd., to modernize the technology, which together improve the company’s market position, increase its sales revenue, and contribute to sustainable development and environmentally friendly operation.

During the development, the existing growing house was renovated, and growing racks with a shelf system were added to it. During the construction of the shelf system, the cultivation surface was expanded by 3,100 m², so a total of 18,100 m² of cultivation surface is available. Cultivation takes place in temperate rooms, and a new cold store and temperate manipulator were also built, which ensures the freshness of the products at all times (continuous and controllable heating of the growing areas during the winter was also solved) – thus production became more uniform and predictable. In addition, infrastructural investments were made within the farm, 2 biomass boilers of 300 W each were purchased. With the modernization of technology and the expansion of production capacity, Nagy-Gombakert Kft. can produce its products more safely, in larger volumes, at a more consistent pace and with better quality. The more modern technology results in a reduction of unit costs in the long term, and by ensuring continuous cooling, the mushrooms intended for the market remain fresher, thus improving the quality of the product. The new mushroom-growing surface, as it is climate-controlled, enables the cultivation of mushrooms throughout the year, which enables more predictable farming. Overall, all of these improve the sustainability of the facility and operation, and contribute to the development of the entire sector.

Beneficiary: Nagy-Gombakert Kft. 6000 Kecskemét, Sóhordó út 1.
The amount of support provided by the European Union and the Republic of Hungary: HUF 230,362,361
Execution period: 17.08.2011-31.03.2015.

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