Project name:


Project description:

In the MUSHNOMICS project, co-funded by ICT-AGRI-FOOD, the aim is to develop a model of circular food production in an urban environment.

 The raw material is urban bio-waste, which is transformed into food through the cultivation of oyster mushrooms, to create value and reduce waste. Within the international consortium of four members, including two universities and two SMEs, Pilze-Nagy Ltd. is responsible for the development and implementation of a container-based modular technology that will produce a raw material for the cultivation of wild mushrooms from the collected bio-waste and provide a controlled environment for the cultivation of wild mushrooms. 

To maintain the cycle, the remaining spent substrate is composted. International partners are developing a dynamic data-driven analysis-based algorithm to optimise yield. The results of the last year of the project are promising. The viability of cultivating oyster mushrooms based on urban bio-waste (such as coffee grounds and cardboard) has been demonstrated. With the involvement of partners, the pilot collection of this bio-waste has started and a prototype container will soon be ready.

Applying data-driven innovation in the mushroom value chain to improve productivity and data sharing, 2019-2.1.7-ERA-NET-2020-00012 has been awarded a grant of HUF 52,239,870 from the NRDI Fund and may receive a grant of HUF 5,828,880 from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the ERA-NET COFUND /ICT-AGRI-FOOD programme (grant agreement no 862665).

Name of beneficiary:


Address of beneficiary:

6000 Kecskemét, Talfája tanya 47/B

Time of implementation:


Further information:



